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Things Every New Homeowner Should Know

A few tips and things you should know when you buy a new house.

Purchasing a new home is one of those life achievements that tops nearly everyone’s bucket list. It is indeed a great investment but comes with a lot of responsibilities. This article will talk about some tips and things every new homeowner should know when they buy a new house.

Inspect and Secure Your Home

Once you start moving in, inspect all parts of your house, like the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace all the batteries in the alarms and make sure they are in working condition. Also, change the locks! You never know how many copies of the previous house keys are floating around. Change all the locks and get new keys to make sure you and your family are the only people who can enter the house!

Location of the Main Water Valve

In a case of emergency, you don’t want to be running around your basement or the outside perimeter of your home to shut off the valve while your bathroom is flooding.

Already knowing where the shutoff valve is could be the difference between a soaking carpet and thousands of dollars worth of damage. Also, don’t just find the valve; you need to make sure it is in working condition and has no leaks to save you in the future.

DIY Can Save You Thousands

It can be surprising how easily most things can be fixed and repaired around the house by yourself. Many people are afraid of trying to fix things themselves, thinking they might ruin them further. Buy some basic tools, start learning basic skills, and start a small DIY home improvement project. You can save so much money over time by doing basic plumbing and electrical repairs yourself and not having to call up and hire professionals.

Emergency House Funds

Start saving right away! You might be doing all the maintenance required and taking care of things as well as possible, but you never know when something might go wrong. Your washing machine could break, your roof could start leaking, or you never know when a natural disaster might occur. Create an emergency fund and start saving for times like these, and you will be thankful later.


Act Now, Save Later

Check the last home-inspection report right after you purchase your home. Start doing repairs as soon as you start seeing things go wrong. A little leak in your roof could turn into a collapsed ceiling if you don’t fix it or get it fixed soon! Leaving regular home maintenance for later could result in huge expenses and more effort. Taking care of issues as soon as you spot them is one of the most important tips a new homeowner can get.

Make a Home Document Binder

You must have already noticed how much paperwork is involved in purchasing and owning a home. And it doesn’t stop there; new appliances and furniture bring in more warranty and insurance paperwork. Create a binder for all these documents as soon as you make your big purchase.

You’ll be thankful when you look for a particular document later on. Save your home improvement receipts, too, as they’ll be useful when tax season comes around!


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