Woman Says Landlord Is Charging Her $50 to Park in Her Own Driveway

By: Georgia | Last updated: Nov 07, 2023

The critical housing issues tenants grapple with are currently in the spotlight, thanks to the widely used social media platform TikTok.

In a recent post, user Jo Morrison draws our attention to an unanticipated expense her landlord introduced amidst prevailing rent control measures.

The Controversial Parking Charge

Morrison brings to light a concerning revelation: “Our landlords started charging us $50 monthly for parking in our own driveway.” The reasoning behind this? New parking delineations on an existing gravel surface. 


Source: unaverage_j0/TikTok

Yet, these lines, which form the foundation for the new $50 charge, can be effortlessly wiped away with a mere sweep of the foot.


Anticipated Repairs

Morrison’s initial hope was for substantive improvements, such as the gravel lot being paved or the existing potholes addressed. However, the actual ‘improvement’ was starkly limited to merely painted lines and the addition of some signposts. 


Source: unaverage_j0/TikTok

One particularly poignant observation from a viewer notes, “This highlights a recurring trend of minimal maintenance in rental properties.”

Highlighting Regulatory Gaps in Housing Reforms

With its clarion call of “We need housing reform now,” the video underscores a broader, systemic concern. The collective responses from the TikTok community indicate this is a concern many share. 


Source: unaverage_j0/TikTok

While the measures taken by Morrison’s landlord might technically align with the stipulations of PEI’s Residential Tenancy Act, they unmistakably raise pressing ethical questions about existing loopholes in housing legislation.

A Larger Conversation on Tenant Rights and Fair Housing

But Morrison’s video is not just about parking fees. It represents a simmering frustration with wider housing practices. Morrison’s advocacy for greater transparency and fairness resonates deeply, prompting a call for tenants everywhere to unite. 


Source: unaverage_j0/TikTok

This emphasizes the urgent need to address and reform the multifaceted challenges that define today’s rental landscape.