The Universe’s Strange Coincidences Caught on Camera

Published: Sep 15, 2023

Whether you believe in divine intervention, coincidence, or “everything happens for a reason”, there are some things in this world that simply cannot be explained.

Luckily, some of these happy little coincidences have been caught on camera so we can share in the amusement and confusion. These coincidences will leave you wondering, “Is the simulation glitching?”.

The Invisible Car

We’re all for style, but this wrap job takes it to a whole other level. How are you going to find this thing in a parking lot? If not for the tires, we would never know the car is even there.


Source: Kueez

I have to imagine it’s caught other people by surprise, too. How many people do you think have accidentally run into this thing? It can’t possibly be street legal. But it makes for a cool picture that scratches our brain for a second.



What are the odds that three ladies with the same haircut, bright pink shirts, and white slacks walk into the same donut shop at the same time? If these ladies didn’t coordinate for their trip to Hortons, this is quite the coincidence.


Source: Kueez

I like to think they became friends after this. Is unintentional twinning enough to build a friendship on? They could certainly go shopping together at the very least.

Cat Kid

The internet is no stranger to funny cat pictures. Perfectly timed photos like this are what we are here to see! We wonder if this guy knew he was creating a beast with the head of a cat and the body of a human when he took this photo or if it is just one of the universe’s perfectly crafted coincidences.


Source: Kueez

It leaves us grateful that the “cat man” does not actually exist. He’d be too powerful for this world! Props to this kitty for posing perfectly though.

Dixie Cup Style

This coincidence is two-fold. It’s wild enough that this young man bought a sweatshirt that happens to have the same exact pattern that’s on these retro paper cups. But for him to wear it somewhere where they actually use those cups? It seems like a glitch in the simulation.


Source: Kueez

Maybe he’s just a big fan of the cups or he just likes retro style. We’re not ruling out any possibilities. Either way, thank you to whoever captured this precious moment.

Which came first? The Banana or the Dog

Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? This is the age-old question that comes to mind when we see this image. Does the dog look like a banana or vice versa? Maybe all banana slices look like little dog faces, but this one seems too weird to be anything but a coincidence.

Source: Kueez

Maybe the universe just wanted to put a smile on all of our faces. Mission accomplished! We’re wondering if this dog owner had the heart to eat the banana that shared a face with their cute pup.


The Counter/Burrito Combo

Some of the universe’s coincidences occur when two completely unrelated items happen to perfectly blend together until you can’t separate one from the other. This is that awkward moment when you set down your burrito and can’t find it.

Source: Kueez

This burrito couldn’t be more camouflaged into this counter if it tried! Maybe the counter tops come in the pattern “tortilla”. We can’t help but feel like this person’s lunch was trying to hide from them. Hopefully it tasted better than a granite countertop would.


Taylor Swift Spotted

Every once in a while, a freak accident happens by absolute chance and you’re lucky if you catch it; even luckier if you catch it on camera so we can all enjoy it. What are the odds that a “Taylor” truck and a “Swift” truck pull up right next to each other? Pretty slim.

Source: Imgur

Taylor Swift should print this picture out on t-shirts and sell it as merch. The truck drivers probably have no idea of the perfect moment they created by driving right next to each other. We are oh so grateful to enjoy this happy little accident, no matter how it came to be.


Great Power

A photographer named Denis Cherim started “The Coincidence Project” which encourages people to challenge the way they see the world through photographs. This is one of the images from the project that makes us question the idea of coincidence by looking at everyday things in a new context.

Source: BoredPanda

Rather than just seeing a statue and a jet stream in the sky, the jet stream looks to be coming from the hand of the statue, as if they were meant to coexist. Like a lot of his other work, he uses two things that are far away from one another and makes them appear as one.



It can be difficult to find meaning in the world of vanity license plates. But this happy little accident makes us smile. It looks like the two people who picked out these license plates would probably get along well, as they have the same sense of humor.

Source: Imgur

But for them to wind up on the same road at the same time gives us all an opportunity to laugh. We’re grateful that someone noticed this license plate coincidence and shared it with the rest of us. We’ll be on the lookout for accidents like this one from here on out.


This is Not a Coincidence

In a world of probability and chance, we wouldn’t have bet on this happening. For the line “This is not a coincidence” to appear just at the fold of the newspaper so it is repeated again and again in the stack is a brilliant play by the universe. If you’ve ever asked the universe for a sign, this is just about as clear as it gets.

Source: Reddit

Are you beginning to believe in “meant to be” yet? If I saw this stack of papers I would definitely have to buy one. You don’t want to miss a sign from the universe, especially when it’s basically slapping you in the face!


Like Father, Like Son

Keep staring! It took me a while to figure out what was going on in this perfectly-timed photo before I figured it out. This picture was taken at the perfect time and at just the right angle. It probably could never be replicated even if they tried 1,000 times.

Source: interesting engineering

The father is holding his son (we’re assuming) and the son’s face blends almost seamlessly into his father’s face behind him. At first glance (and maybe even second and third glance) it appears that the young son has the face of a grown man. It’ll play with your mind if you stare at it for too long, but it’s an absolute masterpiece!


They’re Watching

This strange coincidence leaves us wondering if the people on T.V. can actually see us through the screen. It looks like this news anchor is just peeking around the piece of fabric hanging in front of the T.V.

Source: Kueez

Of course, this must just be a coincidence. Right? It might just be the perfectly timed picture, but either way it does make you wonder: “Are we being watched?”.


Brain Scratcher

This one will have you confused for a while. At least it did for me. At first glance, it looks like a huge pacman sculpture in a mall. But if you focus you’ll see it’s actually an optical illusion. There’s actually someone skateboarding in that giant Pacman structure.

Source: Kueez

If you zoom in you’ll see that this is a structure made of mirrors with a hole in the middle being used as a skate ramp. We’re not sure who thought of this or what the purpose is but we’re not the only ones entertained. Check out everyone watching from the balcony!


Imitation Is The Best Form of Flattery

It comes as no surprise that two dogs can look alike. What takes us back here is the fact that these pups are asleep in the exact same position. And we mean exactly the same! Both of their paws are crossed over each other in the same way, they’re lying on the same side, even their ears look to be in the same position.

Source: Kueez

You might as well have copy and pasted one dog in front of the other and you’d have the same exact image. Either this is a glitch in the simulation or these dogs spend way too much time together because they’re copying each other’s sleeping positions a little too accurately.
