Hilarious Instances Of Customers Going Too Far In The Funniest And Most Absurd Ways

By: Lilli Keeve | Published: Oct 05, 2023

We’re all familiar with the phrase, “The customer is always right.” And, if you give people a little wiggle room, they will run with it, and if you give them miles and miles, they will sprint. Naturally, customers often take advantage of that phrase, sometimes to extreme lengths. 

These are only some of the awful customers out there. They revel in being rude and uncourteous to those that serve them. So…the customer isn’t always right! 

A Little R&R At The Grocery Store

While errands go be fun, they can also be quite tiresome. You may even need some rest during all of the activity, and there’s nothing wrong with that! But, there’s an appropriate time and place for resting. Needless to say, doing it right on top of a bunch of raw chicken in the middle of the produce aisle is not that place. 


Source: Imgur

If somebody needs to get chicken, what are they going to do? Reach under him and grab it from underneath? That’s gross and awkward. It’s also extremely unsanitary. That guy needs to find a bench, ASAP.


Use It At Home, Not At The Store

We’re not the only ones who have been tempted to try a product out at the store. It can be something as harmless as taking the cap off of a deodorant stick to witness the smell or going to buy a bag of chips and munching on them before you go home to cook dinner. 


Source: onedio.com

In this particular case, using a self-cleaning brush on your pet just out of curiosity and putting it back on the shelf is not harmless. Imagine when somebody else sees that as this person did. Surely, their reaction would be mixed with confusion and annoyance. Who even managed to get their pet in the store without anybody noticing? 

A Stinky Situation

Messes don’t clean themselves up and this is especially true in public places. Somebody’s job description is to mop up the disasters that people make, and, sometimes they are intentional ones. Or, people are just too dang lazy. 


Source: onedio.com

Was this dirty-diaper-leaving customer simply ignorant, or they could care less? It doesn’t matter because this is foul. Why couldn’t that person just go to the public restroom and handle their baby’s business there? What a thought! We hope they left a nice tip to make up for their inconsiderate behavior. 

Is There Such Thing As A Mango Refund Policy?

Certain people will go to great lengths to receive a full refund in the most ridiculous ways. It’s not just for big-ticket purchases, but the smallest and even unthinkable ones. This example is a poster-child example for going through all possible means for a refund. This customer wanted a refund for…a mango. One that’s been cut open. 


Source: onedio.com

Alright, it’s not so far-fetched to purchase produce that’s expired. But, you can typically notice if the fruit has gone bad or if it’s still good. This person wanted a refund for the mango that they already cut open. The funniest thing about this is that the customer taped over the incisions.

A Hastily-Left Sticky Mess

It should be a formal policy that if you’re in a public place and eat at a clean table, you should leave the table how you found it. Of course, this is only within reason. Accidents happen and it’s the employees’ job to clean them up. But, as this article points out, there are people out there who get a laugh out of making employees’ lives miserable at their own expense. 

Source: onedio.com

This particular situation is the epitome of the worst customer – and just plain immature and inconsiderate! We hope that whoever did this isn’t going to be the next world leader or solve the cure for a major disease.  


A Wallet Might Be A Smart Thing To Have

Here, we have another rude customer scenario where things went south to the point where management had to hang up a sign stating the obvious. Enough people were handing the employees dirty, sweaty money right from their undergarments and shoes. It’s a universal fact that money is one of the dirtiest items, so why would employees want to handle it in addition to that? 

Source: onedio.com

The sign is right; handling that gross money isn’t sanitary for anyone! It’s good for the establishment that they properly handled this. They might need to switch to using credit cards or self-checkout if people keep dismissing the sign.


Freezing Customer Privileges…Rightfully

You’ve probably thought you’ve seen it all by now. But, wait there’s more! This next thing is beyond disgusting and unsanitary. In this case of these horrific customers, security footage showed them licking the top of ice cream pints and containers, and then putting them back in the freezer.

Source: onedio.com

How do people think that is acceptable to do? And, how would they feel if somebody got ill from eating that ice cream with their germs on it? Come on, people! 


A Creative Thief

Thievery in any retail establishment is expected. Certain customers are very crafty when it comes to engaging in the art of stealing, while others are so bad at it that they get caught red-handed. Once in a while, someone puts their unique flair on their illegal acts. The person who wrote this note was trying to be funny, but we don’t know who they were trying to amuse exactly.

Source: onedio.com

This guy stole a Hot Wheels car and made a joke out of it. Well, it’s time to go into detective mode and find the culprit. He must be somebody who plays Grand Theft Auto all the time. 


Not So Cryptic Messages

Some customers out there revel in showing workers how awful they truly are, and do it by leaving demeaning messages on their bills. Talk about stooping low. Actions speak louder than words, but in this situation, the customer’s actions and words proved their undesirable character.

Source: onedio.com

What if this customer got their 83 cents back? Would that have made a difference at all? It doesn’t matter because this person with the audacity to write a message like this probably was only going to leave a tip of one percent or lower. It’ll take much more than 83 cents to put up with that awful customer. 


Put It In Its Right Place

When customers decide they don’t want something, it’s not the end of the world. They might be second-guessing their purchase or realize they shouldn’t spend the money on it. But, the right thing to do is put it back in the place they found it.

Source: onedio.com

Every grocery store places raw meat and snacks in the same aisle! No…they don’t. We hope you could sense our sarcasm there. This customer couldn’t be bothered with putting the raw chicken back where it belongs. 


Keep Your Hands Off The Tip Jar

There has never been a situation where it’s acceptable for a customer to take an employee’s hard-earned tips. Tips are an important part of their income, and by stealing that, you prevent them from paying bills or anything else essential. People continue to be remarkable individuals and steal from tip jars. 

Source: onedio.com

That lady’s behavior is extremely shocking, but not surprising. It seems that this staff needs to have a tip chute or tip venus fly trap to protect people from stealing their tips. These tip-stealing thieves need to be held accountable!


Acceptable Forms Of Communication

Sometimes customers say the most inappropriate things, just like kids. These employees started a special tradition of writing down the strangest things their customers say…on the walls. We love this idea because of the creativity behind it and it also gives us perspective into all of the horrible customer encounters they experience. 

Source: onedio.com

This particular customer quote is quite perplexing. Throwing chicken is not an acceptable form of communication, nor is it appropriate. We are very curious to know what caused the chicken throwing.


A Whopping One Cent Tip

It’s a customary practice anywhere to tip wait staff, usually 15-20% in the United States. Tips are essential to helping employees earn a liveable wage and sustain their lives. If your service was not outstanding, however, the customer should at least still consider tipping 10%. In most cases, servers are doing their absolute best. 

Source: onedio.com

Yikes, this tip is a major slap in the face. Beyond pitiful, actually. It would have been better to not leave anything at all. We have a suggestion for the tipper: treat others how you would expect to be treated. It’s that simple!


Impromptu Graffiti Party

For different art and writing supplies to be put on display (and, even sample) isn’t out of the ordinary. Some stores have designated places to write notes, either as a nice token of appreciation or to show how many customers donated to a charitable cause. Needless to say, not every place is good for exercising creative freedom. Spray paint is no exception. 

Source: onedio.com

If you aren’t allowed to tag buildings outside, you shouldn’t be able to do it on the inside. Also, if you want to vandalize property with graffiti, make it aesthetically pleasing at least! This isn’t art, it’s just plain boredom. 


Boos Should Be Kept To Yourself

You probably think of a ghost when you hear the word “boo,” or about something horrible and you respond to that one word. It’s not a word to write on a restaurant bill, however. Casper the Friendly Ghost wouldn’t write that, so a human shouldn’t either. 

Source: onedio.com

What a very low blow this is. Unless the waiter or waitress was rude to you or seemed as if they didn’t care about helping you, it’s still not acceptable behavior. Seriously, they should have kept their boos to themselves because the ghosts of the previous wait staff will come back to haunt you. 


Wall Of Shame And Public Humiliation

Here’s another example of a business that puts its worst customers on display. Not only does this gas station showcase pretty clear photos of these people, but there’s also a description near each image sharing what they did. Perhaps these less-than-desirable customers will think twice about their shameful behaviors next time! 

Source: onedio.com

We can’t choose which one is our favorite, they’re all on the same level. All of these charges are pretty embarrassing and we give major kudos to this gas station for not letting their most disgraceful customers get off scot-free. 


This Store Is Not Your Personal Playground

We’ve heard the expression, “The world is your playground.” But, in this case, people took that phrase to a whole new level by treating this store as their personal playground. Save that behavior for an actual playground, not a thrift store. Somebody has to clean all of that up, you know. 

Source: onedio.com

This entire scene does closely resemble a child’s playroom and the furthest thing from a store. It’s hard to even recognize considering there’s stuff all over the place. It seems that the adults are even messier than their kids! 


Leaving A Negative Tip

By now, we’ve seen disgraceful tips and no tips. In this case, the customer had the audacity to try and leave a negative tip. Some customers work their way into the manager’s heart by attempting to get a discount, while others give it to themselves. 

Source: onedio.com

Apparently, this person’s service was “so bad” that they proceeded to leave a negative tip on their bill. First of all, it’s not the customer’s job to determine what their bill should be – that’s the restaurant’s job. Thankfully, the customer didn’t break into the cash register and rang up the bill themselves. If that were the situation, their meal would have been free.


Feet Off The Table, Please

When you’re relaxing at home after a long day, it’s the best feeling to prop your feet up. “At home” are the important words here. Doing this is far from acceptable in a public place, especially when it’s your bare feet at a coffee shop. This guy just did whatever he wanted to and acted like he was in his own home. 

Source: onedio.com

Obviously, he’s way too comfortable at this coffee shop. Everyone has to see his gross feet and deal with how bad they smell, too. It’s beyond rude and he should go to the beach, or, at most, put on a pair of shoes.


All The Keyboard Buttons Don’t Really Matter

We can’t wrap our heads around people stealing parts off of a display item. Do they think it’s amusing? Or, do they actually need them? It doesn’t matter because there’s no valid excuse for this behavior. 

Source: onedio.com

This annoying customer decided to take some buttons on a keyboard. They didn’t think that an employee would have to replace the keys or else nobody would purchase it. It’s beyond ridiculous and childish what that customer did. 


Lettuce Assist You

Ah, the gall that some people have! They really think that they can do whatever they want and there won’t be any repercussions. This lady and man weren’t thinking about how their actions would infuriate or affect others. You might be shocked by this outrageous behavior, but it shouldn’t be at this point.

Source: onedio.com

For real…who does this? If the lettuce looks bad, then choose a different one instead of picking apart every single one. Some poor grocery store soul had to clean up after them before somebody slips or falls on it. 


We’re All On A Budget

We’ve experienced those people who use excuses in order to not give tips. This bill is not only eerily low but the customer has the nerve to give an infuriating excuse why they aren’t tipping. 

Source: onedio.com

Gosh, this note is such an insult. The person’s bill is a measly $5 and leaving a 20% tip would bring the total up by one whole dollar. Perhaps, that person shouldn’t go to a restaurant but to a grocery store instead where they don’t have to tip. We’re all on a budget, dude.


People Go Crazy Over Sales

When a retailer throws a big sale, people forget to act like people. Black Friday is one of the worst examples. People argue with customers and managers and, sometimes, physically assault or fight others over a sale item. It’s unlikely that the store is left unscathed and untrashed in the process. 

Source: onedio.com

This particular case of the customer crossing the line is like Groundhog Dog. You relive the same experience over and over each day. We commend the retail worker who probably doesn’t get paid enough to clean all of that up. 


Monopoly Isn’t Real

As you grow older, you come to the realization of how amazing it would be if Monopoly money could be useful in real life. Obviously, Monopoly is only a game, and its fake money won’t buy you anything. 

Source: onedio.com

Well, it’s apparent that nobody informed this person they aren’t allowed to pay with a fake $100 bill. Imagine going to pick up the check from the table only to realize that the customer left you a mock bill. Surely, that person is going to get what’s coming to them. 


A Lot Of Polishing To Do

Certain people have a wicked sense of humor and think that destroying store items and property is funny. In this case, you probably ask yourself, “Why?” We don’t have an accurate answer, just photos. If you know a thing or two about nail polish, you know that it’s not fun to clean up. 

Source: onedio.com

Now, nobody gets to enjoy nail polish at a clearance price, but the poor retail employee (or employees) has to clean it all up. Acetone is required to get rid of nail polish, and it can give somebody a headache when used in large amounts. Let’s be honest – the situation itself is already a headache. 


Love Thy Neighbor

The phrase “love thy neighbor” seems fairly straightforward, doesn’t it? So, why do most people only love themselves? It should be about all of mankind, not just one person. Putting the shopping carts in the right place is just a decent thing to do. 

Source: onedio.com

This is truly appalling. Some people were simply too lazy to place the carts in their designated spots, and now somebody else has to move them. These people were not in the “love thy neighbor” mindset at all! 


Normal Is A Washing Machine Setting

Jeez, these customers keep on getting ruder and ruder with their tipping etiquette (or, lack of it). Not only did his customer not tip, but they left a demeaning message on the bill. People like this just shouldn’t go out to restaurants at all. 

Source: onedio.com

So, the waitress had pink hair. Who cares?! As long as she was friendly and did her best, it shouldn’t matter. Also, what even is the customer’s definition of “normal”? It certainly doesn’t mean not tipping the waiting staff and insulting their appearance to get out of being responsible.


The Old Bra Switcheroo

We’ve seen a thief that wrote a silly and annoying note, but this situation is even more unique. The shoplifter in this situation went the extra, unnecessary mile to steal a bra…of all things! We wonder how long it took the employees to recognize what was going on. 

Source: onedio.com

It’s hard to not spot somebody’s old bra. But, did they really think nobody would notice? We feel bad for the employee that had to deal with handling somebody’s used undergarments. Ugh, the audacity these people have!


Parenting At Its Best…Not Really

Bringing your children to a restaurant is totally fine, as long as there’s an adult supervising them. People go out to a restaurant to unwind and relax after a long day or week, so the last thing they need is to have kids running around causing a ruckus. 

Source: onedio.com

These kids decided to play with the taps on the bar and their parents clearly didn’t care. This behavior obviously disturbed the bartender, the wait staff, and the owner – not only is it dangerous for the kid, but it could also ruin the equipment. Must we go on and on listing more reasons why this is inconsiderate and careless behavior? 


Scavenger Hunting…For A Tip

It’s already clear that leaving a gross moss behind for public service employees to clean up is beyond rude and inconsiderate. It should never happen. But, what if we told you there’s something even worse? Yeah – this customer left a tip in the middle of an awful and disgusting mess. 

Source; Imgur

We truly wish that horrible customer got what they deserved (imagine if they had to clean it up themselves!) Ah, that would be a wonderful sight to see. How could anybody be this vile? They should never be allowed inside a restaurant ever again!


Practice What You Preach

Already, this situation is very cringe-inducing. We’re not the only ones who expressed how absolutely low this was (and, for many good reasons). Look for yourself and witness another disdainful customer’s lack of tipping.

Source; Imgur

We are certain that God would disagree with what this pastor wrote on the bill. A pastor! He should know better than to refrain from providing a decent tip for his server. This is the kind of example of not saying anything if you have nothing nice to say. 


A Strict No Kids Allowed Policy

There are times when all it takes is a few people to completely ruin an experience for everyone around them. So, it’s evident that one too many kids were misbehaving and the owner had to put up a “Currently NOT Kid Friendly” sign. 

Source; Imgur

Pay attention to the fact that the “not” is bolded in red and highlighted in yellow – and in all capital letters. That means the kids were really causing trouble and a ruckus. If parents can’t properly manage their children from treating a pet store like a playground, perhaps they should also be banned!


When Screaming Isn’t Enough

We live in a society where there are specific rules and norms that we have to follow, regardless of whether we like them or not. You absolutely should not put your dirty shoes on the grocery store shelves, but, obviously, some people didn’t get the message.

Source; Imgur

Since customers are unpredictable, store managers may have to start putting up signs asking customers to not place their gross shoes on the shelves. These girls are oblivious and think it’s ok to do something like this – it’s not. Would you say something to this woman? 


Hot Mess? No, Just A Big, Ol’ Mess

Well, here we are yet again! In this situation, another customer treated a public place like garbage. They didn’t have any reason to do this but simply didn’t care who would have to clean up their mess afterward. The levels of immaturity and disrespectful behavior are still shocking to us at this point. 

Source; Imgur

Throwing spitballs on the mirror was an intentional act. If you have to, at least do that outside and not in a place where other people will be. Bathrooms aren’t meant for that. 


Extra Work On Top Of Work

We simply do not understand why people purposefully torment retail workers! They already don’t get paid too much for starters, so why insist on making their lives miserable with such petty behavior? In this instance, multiple people took it upon themselves to make an employee’s day even more stressful than it likely already was.

Source; Imgur

To the customers that stacked these baskets incorrectly: what is wrong with you?! You shouldn’t even be shopping at a store if you lack consideration for others. Seriously, you should feel ashamed. 


Walmart Doesn’t Have A Speed Limit

Walmart is the place where you can get anything. It’s also a place where you bump elbows with all sorts of people – even some odd customers. We can’t begin to imagine the crazy things Walmart employees have seen while working. 

Source; Imgur

Some customers use buggies to get them through the aisles faster, which is fine. However, crashing into the aisles isn’t. This can disturb other customers who just want to enjoy their shopping experience. Not to mention, it could cause a potential mess that the poor workers would have to clean up. 


A Hurricane Came Through Forever 21

Retail stores such as Forever 21 are notorious for having endless racks of affordable merchandise. But, a well-behaved customer should put things back on the rack where they got them from and not haphazardly discard the items all over the floor. It’s not a zoo, even though these people act like animals!

Source; Imgur

We can’t even believe this is a real photo, despite everything we’ve seen up to this point. The caption really says it all. This isn’t Forever 21, this is Forever 5, at the most. There are such things as hangers, you know. 


Here’s A Tip…Leave One!

You’re already privy to the plentiful situations where ignorant customers leave rude notes or next to no tip. This one, however, kicks things up a few notches! The customer in this scenario killed two birds with one stone by leaving a note and zero tips. 

Source; Imgur

We sympathize with this mother and understand that raising kids costs a pretty penny, but there’s no excuse for leaving a note. If she had tipped 20% her total bill amount would have probably been less than a pack of diapers. In hindsight, she shouldn’t have written anything at all.


Embarrassing Customer Of The Month

Certain businesses take pride in honoring their employees of the month by putting pictures on the wall and having other perks in store. But, this establishment, went the extra mile and celebrated the worst customers of that month. 

Source; Imgur

So, this customer decided to steal banners from the establishment. Banners! Why would they need them? The wall of shame made him look very bad and surely embarrassed him thoroughly – unless, he was proud of it. 


A Need For Speedier Cooks

It’s no surprise by now that customers truly don’t understand how the service industry works or care enough to know. In this example, another inconsiderate customer left a sad tip amount and even left a “helpful suggestion.” 

Source; Imgur

We know that servers don’t have control over what happens in the kitchen. Did the customer think that the server would halt everything they were doing and fire the kitchen staff? The audacity of these people is nothing short of baffling and horrifying. 


Buddha’s Always Watching

We shouldn’t be too surprised at this customer situation. In this case, thievery is taken to a whole other level, but with a Buddha this time. We have a feeling that the Buddha’s teachings don’t practice thievery. 

Source; Imgur

There must be a special type of taboo associated with stealing something of religious significance. Based on this sign, there are too many customers who could care less. If you’ve ever watched an Indiana Jones movie, you should know the dangers that come with stealing a symbolic religious item. 


No Advice, I Just Wanted A Tip

It’s a well-known fact that dads aren’t amusing when they’re cracking dad jokes. Plus, it’s even less amusing when they leave one of their jokes on the check instead of a tip. Yes – somebody did this on the bill. This customer dropped some advice rather than a monetary tip and did it in a very condescending manner!

Source; Imgur

What an awful way to not tip the server and also insult them at the same time. If that server wanted a new career, they probably know how to search for one. The last thing they need is some insulting “advice” from a customer who doesn’t even leave a tip. 


Some Customers Lack Cents

Here we have yet another horrifically bad tipper! Not only is this customer’s demeanor far from uplifting, but they also didn’t leave a tip. They just had to jab at the server with an offensive message. 

Source; Imgur

People usually don’t carry change anymore, especially pennies. This person simply left pennies for the server which was a heartless move. And, they had to add the “worth less” part on top of it. How awful can a human be that they had to do this to a wait staff?


Trash (And Tip) Removal

Alright, this one will make your stomach turn. We’ve seen some of the disastrous messes that customers have left, but this one, in particular, might be the cherry (or lemon) on top. 

Source; Imgur

This is downright disgusting and degrading! It’s shameful to think this server had to dig this tip out of someone else’s gross water glass. If we were this waiter or waitress, we probably would have just quit on the spot. Nobody should have to deal with this type of disregard, ever. 


No Words

We shouldn’t be surprised at this point that there are no boundaries that customers won’t cross. They will continue their disgusting behavior, regardless! Clearly, this picture says it all.

Source: Imgur

Accidents happen and it’s normal. However, this was no accident, and somebody obviously couldn’t wait to use the restroom. They peed on a display item and left it out in the open for all to see (and the wait staff had to be responsible for cleaning it up). Those poor, poor souls.


Not The Most Sanitary Thing

Crazy things always seem to happen at Walmart – that’s just a fact. In this instance, a lady was standing in front of the yogurt that one customer wanted. The lady proceeded to grab every yogurt from the shelf, and for the shelves that she couldn’t reach, she held her young daughter up to reach for the others.

Source: Bulat Khamitov/ Pexels

Well, her daughter wasn’t clean and looked as if she hadn’t taken a bath in a long time. And, when the mom couldn’t hold her up anymore, she told her daughter (with bare feet) to climb onto the shelves. How inconsiderate and unsanitary!


He Thought Nobody Would Notice

People will really do anything they want, won’t they? We’ve definitely seen some crazy things when we’re standing in line to check out. The funniest thing, too, is when people act like nobody is watching.

Source: y Sara Kurfeß/ Unsplash

A woman was at the front of the line and pulled out her wallet to pay. She took her credit card out when a $20 bill fell onto the floor and a man behind her kneeled down. He pretended to be tying his shoe (which were actually tied) and swiped the bill thinking that nobody saw him. Seriously…?!


Fighting For The Handicapped Parking Spot

Here we have yet another example of a customer crossing the line (with another customer). In this situation, one person parked in a handicapped parking spot, and another person wasn’t happy with them.

Source: Jakub Pabis/ Pexels

Before this customer was about to leave their car, a furious woman pounded on their window demanding they step outside. The woman was screaming profanities at the person, saying that because she has no visible disabilities she doesn’t deserve the space. Well, the customer had epilepsy and was within their right lawfully to park there. The nerve of some people…!


She Couldn’t Miss Her Big Date

This manager’s story about their experience with a customer is quite disturbing. A woman in a store was wearing a pink robe, and pink slippers, and her hair was up in a towel (not a common sight to see). Curiously, the manager followed her to see what she was up to.

Source: Cottonbro/Pexels

Turns out, she sat down to shave her legs using a razor and shaving cream from the shelf. She did this while there were customers around, her too! We don’t know what was going on with this person, but she seemed as if she had a big date that she couldn’t afford to miss.


People Can’t Control Themselves

This particular situation is just plain sad and upsetting, and we don’t understand why people are so heartless. One day, this customer was shopping with his older father when, all of a sudden, another person rammed their cart into him, knocking him over.

Source: Ellie Burgin/ Pexels

The father was left on the ground for several minutes with the other customers ignoring him while he was obviously in pain. Luckily, he was a regular at that store and knew most of the checkout ladies who kindly helped him off the floor. Not all people are cruel, but some are plain vile!


A Total Leech

People’s out-of-line behavior at stores still shocks us to some extent, but this one is simply outrageous. This particular store is similar to Costco where they have membership subscriptions you can purchase. The lady in line obviously wasn’t in need or poor, since her car was stacked full of various items.

Source: Pavel Danilyuk/ Pexels

She went so far as to ask another customer if she could borrow their membership card. When the customer refused, she got irritated and proceeded to ask another customer to help her. They did. It seemed clear that this leech of a woman just used other people’s membership to pay for her groceries. Really…?


Abusing The System

We’ve seen how customers abuse the system and take advantage of its perks. In this example, a customer at a grocery store noticed that a couple had their dog with them, and it didn’t have any clear indicator of being a service dog. They were even giggling about how they brought their dog inside without anybody noticing.

Source: Ray/Shrewsberry/ Pixabay

Well, the dog proceeded to urinate on a shelf, which amused the couple. The customer told a store employee somebody would need to clean up the mess. When the couple got to the checkout line, they were instructed to take the dog outside. People just love doing whatever they please!


Another Crazy Chicken Customer

What is it about chicken that makes people go insane? It’s a mystery to us. This story involves another crazy customer who disregards all rules and sanitary precautions because they simply don’t care.

Source: Lukas/ Pexels

The customer in this story is guilty of eating chicken and putting it back in the refrigerator cases. Not only was it chicken though but other partially eaten items, as well. There were also opened bottles of juice! The store employee who noticed this had to contact the Loss Prevention Department about the potentially contaminated products and the loss. What’s even more baffling is that this gross customer insisted they were coming back to pay for all the things.


Touching Cards With Wet Hands

On Father’s Day is when this story takes place, and, unfortunately, we have another inconsiderate customer on our hands that is oblivious to other people around them. This person was getting a card for their husband and was standing next to a person who sneezed into his hand. Then, he proceeded to reach for a card to read with his germ-filled hands.

Source: Towfiqu Barbhuiya/ Pexels

The fact that somebody did that and thought nothing of their act is so disgusting, but not surprising. Luckily, the customer didn’t need to get that particular card.


“Excuse Me, I’m In Line”

We’ve all likely dealt with customers whose actions make no sense and are just plain rude. When this customer was waiting in a really long line, they realized they had forgotten something and went to get the missing item.

Source: HVETS Production/ Pexels

There was an elderly lady who didn’t like this fact and decided to move the customer’s cart out of the way so she could move up in the line. When the customer came back, she told the lady she was in line, but the lady wasn’t happy, and, she went as far as to keep hitting the customer with her cart. Talk about an impatient and grouchy customer!


When Parents Condone Bad Behavior

We all know that kids act out sometimes in public places, but when parents don’t discipline their children, it becomes an annoyance for the people around them. In the produce aisle at a supermarket, two 12-year-old girls were giggling as one of them poked their fingers and thumbs into every tomato on the vine.

Source: RODNAE Productions/ Pexels

The customer who noticed this addressed it and the girl cried, running to her mother. They told the mother what her daughter did, but she thought nothing of it. She even accused the customer of making her daughter cry and proceeded to comfort her.


You Can Say “Yuck” Again!

We’re sharing with you yet another example of a customer trying things inside a store thinking nothing is wrong with it. This time, we have a salad-dressing sipper on our hands!

Source: Alamy

While a customer was shopping at a grocery store, they noticed a woman shaking a bottle of salad dressing. At first, they thought she was just doing that to see if it mixed up well, but, much to their horror, she opened up the cap and tasted the dressing. Apparently, she was doing some sort of taste test for other salad dressings, too. What is wrong with people?!


Different Store, Same Crazy Lady

The scene of this customer-related crime takes place in the produce section of a grocery store, in which a lady was on the hunt for the best grapes possible. Thus, she opened all the sealed bags of grapes, choosing the ones that she wanted and left the others. She took her sweet time doing this, carefully inspecting each and every grape.

Source: Yogendra Singh/ Pexels

Upon witnessing this scene, the customer told the assistant store manager (who didn’t do anything about it). And, a few days later, she was caught doing the exact same thing!


Cheap Chicken Drives People Crazy

It’s undeniable that people love good deals. And, when it comes to cheap chicken, customers can’t help but hide their excitement. This excitement, however, often leads to the customer majorly crossing the line.

Middle age woman wearing turtleneck sweater and glasses over isolated white background celebrating mad and crazy for success with arms raised and closed eyes screaming excited. Winner concept

At a local supermarket, they were selling warmly cooked chickens for $10.99. An unruly woman began repeatedly screaming “Chicken for a buck!” at the top of her lungs and started to load her cart. The manager came to the scene and she accused him of preventing her from eating. She proceeded to grab every chicken and they fell all over the floor. This display lacked all dignity and self-control. She was fueled with greed.
