Marriage Proposals That Left More Questions Than Answers

By: Calla Conway | Published: Sep 19, 2022

Usually a marriage proposal is a moment of happiness and joy for a budding relationship. Careful planning, conversations leading up to the proposal about where the relationship is going, and a feeling of romance is in the air.

But the world is large and filled with variety, and the execution of a marriage proposal is no different. While some marriage proposals are fit for a Hollywood film, others could rival horror films. All we can do is laugh; however, it’s hard to say what people on the receiving end of this madness did–laugh? Or cry?

Local Street Art Featuring: Rejection

I imagine that this creative soul had the best intentions, but the delivery was off by just a tad. While it has been done many times before–(the whole surprise sign, “Will You Marry Me?”) this seems to have missed the mark.


Source: piximus

Not only is the proposal a bit low effort, it appears that Naomi agreed. This lover asked a question, and that question was answered. Naomi is still on the market, folks!


Who Is She?

This advert space was dedicated to love and Michelina. Does it kind of looks like an advertisement for OnlyFans? Sure. Are the photographs of the woman on the billboard Michelina? I don’t know.


Source: Piximus

Whoever the mysterious woman is, she sure did grab the attention of all who walked or drove down the busy street. Hopefully, her love life is as provocative and heart-filled as her marriage advert.

Hamburglar of Your Heart

Someone call the police, it looks like the Hamburglar is at it again, stealing hearts and creating life long bonds between Ann and Dennis.


Source: Piximus

This proposal looks like it got a happy ending and that’s what really counts after all, isn’t it? And how lucky for Dennis, too! Not everyone would appreciate such highway robbery.

Take Me to Our Spot

For those of us that have been in love, there are certain places that you can go to think of your beloved, reflect on what you’re building, or the next steps in your future together. This place may even become so sentimental that you choose to pop the question there.


Source: Piximus

That being said, it wouldn’t feel particularly romantic if your loved one went to the toilet and thought of you. This proposer took it a step further and asked for his lady’s hand in marriage outside a bathroom stall that says “The Dumper.” Hmmm.

Outback Steakhouse Delivers

If you’re looking for a quick 15 minutes of shame, just ask your partner to marry you at your local Outback Steakhouse. They will post your engagement right to their feed and you’ll even get some free engagement photos out of it.

Source: Piximus

Brandon combined a few of life’s simple pleasures (his love for bloomin’ onion) with his apparent satisfaction with his partner. The best things in life are found at Outback Steakhouse.


Me Marry You Will Brittany

Whether or not this is a question or a demand is up to you to decide, but Brittany had to do some extra puzzle solving to get to the bottom of what was being asked of her. It is a bit baffling that not even the holder of the question mark knows where to be.


Everyone looks happy and full of loving spirit, so I’d guess that this proposal ended happily ever after. Or maybe after ever happily?


Modern Love

Mari will not know that her life could potentially change forever until she somehow gets kicked off the wifi at her or her partner’s home. But boy when she goes to log into her server is she going to feel loved!

Source: Piximus

If I was placing bets on this delivery, I would venture to guess that the password to unlock the heart of her suitor would be “yes.”


He Couldn't Wait Another Moment

Sometimes the feelings of love and romance strike so hard that a person just has to jump on the opportunity to express themselves, no matter the situation. In this couple’s case, the man who proposed did so while his lady love was using the toilet.


I have to note, not only was their moment of union done while the woman was on the toilet, there was also a third party there to photograph the entire event. Very unique wedding photos.


Mild Sauce Marriage

You hear a lot of advice from married couples and experts on how to make a relationship work. Some say to keep it spicy, while others might argue for a more mild mannered union. It looks like this potential spouse went for the former.

Source: Piximus

It does look like they had the sauce specially made for the occasion, though one could argue that the proposal could have been classed up quite a bit by skipping that detail altogether. Yo quiero Taco Bell.


Merry Me And We Could Be Marry

Some are born with the art of writing and spelling in their veins and others are not. This is completely okay! However, you might think that some extra considerations might go into a marriage proposal, like how to spell the word “marry.”

Source: Oddee

Of course, the person being proposed to has the option to be merry at the person who proposed. Maybe that’s what they meant.


Church's Chicken Proposal

If you squint your eyes really tight you might be able to pretend that Shineka received a proposal in the church that she perhaps frequents often. But to not squint you would see that she is being proposed to outside of what looks like a chain restaurant that specializes in chicken.

Source: Piximus

The sheer amount of proposals that are centered on food has me thinking that there may be a link between love and food. That, or toilets.


Eagerly Awaiting a Response

This man made a big decision for himself. He decided to tattoo his undying love and important question right onto his skin, to live with for eternity. Hopefully the woman–Caroline to be exact, took this as a sign of his commitment to her.

Source: Piximus

Who knows? Maybe she said yes and tattooed it onto her back for them to fully communicate the scope of their love.


Time Consuming

Yet another expression of love via some item that is meant to be consumed, this time in Pepsi boxes stacked up.

Source: Oddee

The sheer amount of time it took for the proposer to create this tells you that they are truly willing to go the distance.
